Deactivation of Inactive Sirets

14 December 2023 | France | Business information

In the ever-evolving business landscape, we recognize that the change of Siret numbers is a crucial matter for companies. Let's delve into this topic together to understand the potential reasons for Siret number changes in various situations.

Deactivation of Inactive Sirets




The alteration of Siret numbers is not uncommon in business management. It may coincide with a company's development, relocations, or changes in headquarters. Specifically, the change in Siret numbers is based on the last five digits, known as NIC (Internal Classification Number). NIC designates each establishment of the company based on its geographical location. For instance, during a headquarters relocation, the new establishment is assigned a new NIC code, consequently leading to a change in the Siret number. It's a natural process ensuring that the Siret number accurately reflects the operational evolution of the company.

Process of Siret Number Change

Since January 1, 2023, the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) has introduced a single window to facilitate companies, including micro-entrepreneurs, in carrying out their Siret number change formalities. This unified platform streamlines procedures, allowing businesses to register directly with the National Business Registry (RNE), replacing the Business Formalities Centers (CFE) from January 1, 2023. This new approach provides an easier and more efficient way to handle Siret number change formalities.

Adjustment of Siret Number in Case of Address Change



When the address of an establishment changes, the Siret number is also modified. To accomplish this, it is mandatory to declare the change of address at the business formalities counter to obtain a new Siret number. This step ensures a swift update of the number to reflect the actual geographical changes in the company. Depending on the nature of the business (company or individual enterprise), it will be necessary to fill out an M2 or P2 form. M2 ou P2.

Impact of Change on Customs Operations


During the change of the Siret number, it's crucial to note that only the NIC number changes, while the first nine digits (the SIREN number in the Siret number) remain unchanged. However, for customs operations, especially concerning the use of the EORI number, the necessity is undeniable. If the operator's Siret number is invalid, it leads to the deactivation of the EORI number, rendering any customs operation impossible. To ensure an effective EORI connection, we provide a convenient self-assistance process, and the SEKO BANSARD teams are ready to assist you throughout this process.

Early Verification to Avoid Congestion

To avoid congestion as the deadline approaches (January 22, 2024), we strongly recommend all operators to verify their Siret number early. You can search and contact the applicable PAE (Economic Action Center) in the list to obtain relevant support. Additionally, you can also use Soprano to complete the EORI connection.

Liste PAE:


At SEKO-BANSARD, we continue to support you, and we appreciate your trust. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

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Email address : ohenwood@BANSARD.COM



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